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FEFLOW enables you to simulate a multitude of processes involving fluid flow, groundwater-age, contaminant and heat transport in saturated and unsaturated porous media. We offer two pricing options: The 3-D projections options displays these data overlaying the georeferenced map objects for a better understanding of the simulation. Download from US East: The primary components of Feflow include: Simulation progress can be paused at any time to view intermediate results in three dimensions. Related webinars Join a free webinar. feflow software

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feflow software

Please run the setup. Technical support and upgrades are available for a duration of 6 months free of charge.

Mesh refinement can be conducted on a single element, a group of selected elements, or on a global basis. Feflow also allows the user to choose which interpolation technique best suits their data set.


We aoftware two pricing options: Related webinars Join a free webinar. Email Required email not valid. FEFLOW enables you to simulate a multitude of processes involving fluid flow, groundwater-age, contaminant and heat transport in saturated and unsaturated porous media. Ensuring dry mines in the Copperbelt Water management is critical for mine operations in the African Copperbelt.

Our areas of application

Feflow has a comprehensive selection of graphical tools for assigning and modifying all model properties e. Our products Modelling the world of water MIKE Powered by DHI is a range of software products that enable you to accurately analyse, model and simulate any type of challenge in water environments.

The graphical tools allow you to assign properties using: Assigning Model Properties in Feflow. Download of the requested software will begin shortly.

feflow software

The popular Kriging technique, Akima, Inverse Distance Weighting or 1-D interpolation only for boundary conditionscan be used for calculating the variable surfaces. You can define the cutaway by inserting screen related position coordinates in the menu or by moving the 3-D handlers on the model's body via the mouse. Feflow is the first complete groundwater modeling software package to successfully combine powerful graphical features with sophisticated analysis tools and robust numerical algorithms for: Download Get the latest version of our software, or find product updates and useful tools.

The following model classifications are available: It is the ideal software for: Defining a Problem in Feflow The specifications of all model attributes on a given finite element mesh are completed in the Feflow Problem Classifier Menu. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

FEFLOW - Wikipedia

Element types available in the 2-D Feflow module include the linear 4-nodal and 8-nodal quadrilateral elements and the linear 3-nodal and 6-nodal triangular elements. Plots can also be saved as templates for future use when preparing reports. The book starts with a more general theory for sofrware relevant flow and transport phenomena on the basis of the continuum mechanicssystematically develops the basic framework for important classes of problems e.

Feflow has been specifically designed to meet the advanced technology requirements of expert fefloow professionals involved in complex groundwater modeling projects.

FEFLOW - advanced groundwater modelling

Groundwater Simulate all types of 2D or 3D softward and related transport processes in groundwater and porous media, including contaminants and heat. Our data management, decision support and operational forecasting software suite traverses all our areas of applications, complementing existing MIKE technologies in the work we do for you.

Forgot Password Please wait. Please run the setup. In case your download does not begin sottware, you may want to check your internet settings to see if you have a pop-up blocker enabled. Contact us for more information regarding the annual maintenance fee. Visualization of Results in Feflow. Picard and Newton iterative techniques for nonlinear flow problems and adaptive eoftware. An annual maintenance fee will be charged beyond the free six-month period optional but recommended.

You will learn the basic concepts of the software through building two and three-dimensional flow and solute-transport models applying the most important programme functions, including pre-processing, simulation and results evaluation.

feflow software


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